
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Unlucky Pakistani Circus

There was a lot of hustle and bustle and level of excitement amongst us kids was limitless as we kids were going to see a cow slaughtered in front of us for very first time as it was Eid-ul -Azha; we kids were getting restless of waiting and waiting and we were thinking : "ab aah bhi jain uncle takeh hum gai ko zibah hitey hue dekh sakein." well i couldn't wait that long so i went to uncle's house and asked him why was there a delay everything is ready; on coming to know the reason of uncle's detention that his nephew was afraid of slaughtering the cow so i started talking to him, the kid was reserved anyway we were talking; during the routine introduction he asked me who are I said Pakistani, he re framed his question and asked me where are you originally from I was confused as to what was he trying to ask me; I said Islamabad and Rawalpindi so he said you are basically a Punjabi; I said; yes I speak Punjabi, then I asked him the same question, he said that I'm an Urdu speaking; I live in Islamabad but my grandparents and the rest of my relatives are based in  Karachi and we are muhajirs; I was perplexed after meeting so I told everything to my mom as every class three child would do so; my mom in her sense of humor said everyone that speaks Urdu is Urdu speaking and everyone that migrates from one place to another is a muhajir and now go and enjoy your Eid.

As  time passes by; looking at the current affairs of the country nationally and internationally my childhood incident sets foot deeper into my mind, as I see such incidents practically happening  in our (the whole of Pakistan) beloved city of Karachi and that too at higher and violent magnitude.

Pakistan is very unfortunate that it was orphaned on 11th of September, 1948; which makes about a year and two weeks after her birth or in other words her creation ( I say this because I believe that something cannot be independent unless it is present and yes I believe that it was India that got independence since at that time the sub-continent was known as India) but at the same time I also believe that the basis of creation of Pakistan was that Muslims would be allowed to practice Islam and keep their moral and cultural values intact which was the sole basis of her creation on 27th of Ramadan/14th August,1947. This was the sole basis of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan's Two Nation Theory; Muhammad Iqabl's dream of Pakistan and Muhammad Ali Jinnah's mission to lead the Muslims of India to safety and prosperity; then how can a particular school of thought say that Pakistan is a secular state meaning that the basis of  creating Pakistan was secularism which is totally incorrect, similarly how can anyone believe in the notion that Jinnah was secular and liberal person, if you take out his bio data he was born in a practicing Muslim family, he got his early education from Sindh Madrasa-tul-Islam which if you go back in history at that time was highly a practicing Islamic institute and then the biggest of all proofs was the incident of Lincoln's Inn where Jinnah took admission on the basis that list where our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) ranked top in that list. It is the narrow vision of people that they say Pakistan should be a secular state just because a few of us have  misinterpreted Jinnah's statement that you are free to go temples and churches, if one closely observes Islam teachings one would realize that we should respect other religions and now coming to liberalism Islam is the most liberal religion on Earth and yes Jinnah was an open minded person with new age thoughts but with his limitations to Islam  and the biggest example to me is; according to Jinnah the constitution of Pakistan was Quran and Sunnah. If anyone disagrees with me search the internet for the excerpts of Jinnah's address to Gaya Muslim League Conference in January 1938, his September 1945 letter and above all his United States radio broadcast ( and then kindly define liberalism to me as I am very poor at English since it is not my mother tongue.

It is quite true that the most powerful weapon on this earth apart form fear is the tongue, most of us have heard of the folk tale that once upon a time there lived a king who ordered his chef to bring the worlds pious-est thing to eat the chef presented him with a tongue the next day king asked for the worst thing present on this earth again the chef brought tongue the king was angry and asked him what is this nonsense the chef replied if someone knows how to control his tongue he is the most pious person and if not able to control his tongue he is the worst person on earth,  the main purpose of this folk wisdom was that tongue is the most skillfully  and powerful operated weapon on earth. If someone knows how to control the tongue it can make a wrong a right and there are many people on this earth who are master at this art for example scholars, speakers and debaters cum politicians. Up till here a person can bear anything but once someone starts using Quran as an object and starts to swear and make it a public issue and a circus of emotions that is intolerable to any respectable Muslim especially singing and performing actions in the presence of Quran regardless of who ever is involved and started  such an act, its literally disgraceful to use the Holy scripture of Allah for one's benefits either political or individual and  we as present day Muslims are weak in emotions and lack in faith and it is about time that we must start accepting this fact because who so ever swears of Quran we have a tendency of accepting that as the truth as we have lost the power to think and deduce for ourselves as empowered individuals; we leave that for the journalist and opinion makers of  media. Its an irony that we live in an independent country but our minds are not fully independent maybe this is how life goes.

The conspiracy of breaking Pakistan has already been started and the living evidence of it is Bangladesh and like wise things are now shaping up as our leaders are telling us but I believe that biggest hurdle that will stop Pakistan from breaking is Pakistani and the biggest ally in breaking Pakistan will be the hierarchy and the propaganda of division and discrimination on the basis language and regionalism cum nepotism which is practically been seen in the city of lights which has become city of bloodshed and terror and it is a fertile soil to brain wash the youth for one's own interest, according to my knowledge Karachi is seventh largest metropolitan of the world and according to Nadeem Parcaha the potential New York of subcontinent is sadly becoming Beirut of Pakistan and politically and economically it is Pakistan's heart and everyone knows that Karachi alone holds a major share of Pakistan in every aspect as mentioned already but at the same time Karachi does not belong to anyone in particular and there should be no single stake stakeholder.

The media is most powerful and intellectual weapon present in today's world and who so ever controls media controls half of the public as most of us are hungry for power. Media has it's responsibilities which it is performing and at times voiding, like every thing  has its pros and cons the media has its too. A lot of good work is seen in the media especially when someone sees journalists like Nusrat Javed, Talat Hussain, Hamid Mir, Kamran Khan, Sana bucha and Javed Chaudry these people are an asset to us and especially the program Hasb-e-Hall as well. Both the heart and the mind are pleased to see a non biased work when displayed on screen but at the same time over media has become insensitive by competing for its ratings and popularity. Media  has become a total business just look at the news headlines and the new bar and you will get to know what I mean leave that and look at our family entertainment; our dramas that were the identity of Pakistan in the 80's and 90's because of their reality based content have now drifted to fantasy and upper class lifestyle which is not what Pakistan truly is most of the Pakistanis are middle class rural cum urban settled population and the content is now sub standard as the crocodile of private channels has to be fed so quantity is preferred over quality.

The youth of Pakistan is most talented youth in the world but it is time that the youth should play part in nation building by studying getting vocational training  rather than becoming a prodigy for different political parties and their mandate. The youth should understand that it should not leave the path of righteousness and it should read and learn from Quran like the non-Muslims are doing and are progressing rather than following our leaders tradition of swearing Quran. The youth seems depressed as to whom to follow as for leader I sternly believe that we have great ideals in whom foot steps we should follow namely: Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Muhammad Iqbal. Yes the three Muhammad's of Pakistan prosperity and solidarity, their lives are an institute to us if we can only inculcate their teachings and cultivate their ideology in our minds we don't need anyone then. One more thing to the nations pillars do not abandon Pakistan by settling abroad, this is the biggest dilemma that Pakistan faces; its Pakistan that sows the crop and the other countries harvest the crop which immediately weakens Pakistan.

To all the pseudo Pakistanis leave hippocracy and become well wishers of Pakistan; yes it looks great when you people say nice things about Pakistan but practically don't do because we all are brothers; leave aside brutality and consider humanity; we all are Urdu speaking and we all have been active in creating Pakistan and all of us have migrated from one place to another some time in our lives and to the Pakistani start empowering yourself, start making your own decisions and stop looking at chief justice for every second thing after all he is a human being; he is performing his duty but the question is are you standing on the grounds of unity, faith and discipline? May Allah Almighty give us Hidayat and the power and ability to spread happiness.

Pakistan Zindabad!

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